We have an ever-expanding team of psychiatrists and psychologists working with us. They are all experts in their clinical fields and have extensive expert witness experience. All our psychiatrists are section 12(2) approved under the Mental Health Act. CVs are readily available on request.


Lucy and Matt are consultant forensic psychiatrists who work in NHS secure services in Lancashire and Cumbria

Lucy Bacon


Lucy has worked in forensic psychiatry in the West Midlands and Lancashire, gaining a Masters of Law with distinction in mental health law along the way. Her clinical experience covers male and female medium and low secure inpatient services, forensic community services and prison. She is Associate Medical Director for secure services and for mental health law within Lancashire & South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust.

Lucy is a renowned expert in criminal and family medicolegal work. She also has substantial experience in other domains. She has worked on a number of high profile homicide and trauma-related cases.

When not working, she enjoys time with her partner, children and animals at the rugby or in the hills.

Matt Appleyard


Matt initially trained as an orthopaedic surgeon before realising that psychiatry was a more interesting career. He is a section 12 approved clinician on the Specialist Register for forensic psychiatry.

He has worked as clinical lead in offender health in Lancashire, as well as gaining a wide range of experience across the North West hospitals and prisons. He has a Masters in health and public leadership.  Matt is also the Training Programme Director for psychiatry in Lancashire and Cumbria.

Matt has a special interest in criminal and personal injury medicolegal work, with substantial experience in other areas. He has worked on a number of high profile criminal cases including homicide, serious sexual offences and terrorism.

Tracey Ellmore


Tracey had a long & successful career in the public sector prior to joining MLUK. One of her favourite roles was working on a cross government role with HMP’s and Courts. Her expertise and passion are within customer service and relationship management, and she has extensive experience of working with clients and partners involved in the judicial process.

In her spare time, she loves spending time with her family & friends and watching her beloved football team.

Elisa Coles-Campbell


Elisa has 24 years of experience in business administration covering a range of different industry areas and including both private and public sector. She is passionate about customer service and will do all she can to make your customer journey as smooth as possible. Her calm approach is often remarked on, whilst dealing with the most complex demands.

Outside of work Elisa enjoys getting out and about in our beautiful countryside, hiking and taking in the views.

Nicola Griffiths


Nicola has 30 years of experience in admin, PA and secretarial support and is very passionate about what she does, often going above and beyond for customers with her ‘can do’ approach.  She can often be heard asking “how can I help?” unashamedly taken from New Amsterdam!

Nicola is a massive bibliophile and is particularly partial to thrillers.  She is part of a blended family, and family are very important to her.   

Aimee Thompson


Aimee has 13 years of experience offering administrative and secretarial support. With a strong background in the NHS. 

Aimee strives to deliver high quality customer service. 

When not at work, Aimee enjoys spending time with her young family and actively engages in activities that promote personal wellbeing.